Episode 40 - “Awake” w/Dr. Antonio Gonzalez (Yale Anesthesiologist)

Today, we are analyzing the 2007 film "Awake." This movie stars Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba and Terrence Howard. There is a nefarious plot to kill Clay who finds out during surgery. According to our guest Dr. Gonzalez, Clay experiences intraoperative awareness AKA "awareness" during surgery.  The movie is filled with plot holes and some pretty inaccurate medical information. We learn so much from Dr. Gonzalez about anesthesia and patient pain. PTSD, medical factiods and financial stressors are topics in this episode. We hope you enjoy!



Episode 42 - "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" w/ Dr. Zheala Qayyum (Harvard Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist)


Episode 39 - “The Morning Show” Season 2